USPS Verification


The USPS Verification Tool in our PowerTools Free Tier is an Input Form with a button trigger that sends the Subject Property Address to the United States Postal Service Verify API. The Tool returns the verified address and gives the user the ability to update the address in the loan.


Settings that are accessible to Super Admins can be found on the bottom of the form

·         Zip Code length – Users can select whether to use 5 or 9 digits for the zip code

·         Efolder placeholder name – The name of the placeholder where the USPS verification file is stored in eFolder can be updated.  By default it is named “USPS Address Verification.”

Image Placeholder

Instructions For Use

  1. Required Fields
    • Address 1 [11]
    • City [12]
    • State [13]
  2. Optional Field
    • Zip Code [15]  (Note: The USPS API does not require the Zip Code)
  3.  Running USPS Verification
    1. Click the "Verify Address" button (1)
    2. When USPS Matches the Address, the user will received a Popup showing the formatted address and will ask to copy it into the Subject Address.

      1. When user clicks "Yes" (#2) the Address is copied into the Subject Address

      2. When user clicks "No", the Message Box is dismissed and no action is taken.
    3. Finally, result information for reporting purposes is populated into Custom Fields.
      Image Placeholder
      1. Custom Fields Included in Input Form
        1. CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED.DATETIME - Date & Time when Verification ran
        2. CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED.BY - Encompass ID of user who initiated the Verification
        3. CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED.ADDRESS - The USPS formatted address returned
        4. CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED = A Y/N value indicating if the USPS result was Verified
    4. Lastly, a PDF file is generated after each Verification.
      1. The eFolder Document Name is "USPS Address Verification"
        • Only the last generated PDF is marked as Current Version

Field Trigger

For your convenience, you can use [CX.LT.USPS.RUN] = “Y” to run the plugin. This custom field can be used to set up field triggers to run the plugin. The same required fields will be needed for the plugin to correctly run.

Package Installs:
LTK - USPS Validation.emfrm

LTK-USPSVerification.dll  v:

LTK-USPSVerification.dll.dll  v:


Custom Fields
CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED Indicates Subject Property Verified Successfully
CX.LT.USPS.RUN Run Lender Toolkit USPS Validation
CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED.BY Encompass ID Who Initiated Verification 250
CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED.DATETIME Timestamp of Last USPS Verification 250
CX.LT.USPS.VERIFIED.ADDRESS Verified Address Returned from USPS API 1024