The UW Conditions Trigger plugin in Lender Toolkit's PowerTools is a utility that with very little configuration, can automatically add conditions to a loan based on any criteria a lender needs. By simply building business rules that modify the plugin's custom fields to specific values, the plugin will find the condition template that the business rule indicates, and apply it to the loan.
By applying Underwriting Conditions to loans automatically and before the Underwriter has looked at the loan, Underwriter time can be dedicated to more important aspects of analyzing the risk of the loan and less common conditions. This can help loan processors provide more complete loan documentation more quickly, as well as expedite the underwriting process.
1. Installation of
the Underwriting Conditions Trigger tool is done through the PowerTools Plugin under the Optimized tier, ensure that the Underwriting Conditions Trigger tool is licensed through PowerTools before
2. In the PowerTools
Plugin, ensure that the Underwriting Conditions Trigger tool is activated under the “Settings”
button. When the tool is active, you’ll see a button from the main PowerTools
Expert tab with “UWC Trigger” written on it.
3. Once activated an
input form called “Admin – UW Conditions Trigger Plugin" will be added to your
Instructions for Use
1. After installing the plugin, the following fields will be added to your Encompass environment:
- CX.UWCOND.TITLE - The name of the Condition Template to be applied to the loan
- CX.UWCOND.DESCR - Overrides the Description from the Condition Template
- CX.UWCOND.SOURCE - Condition Templates do not set the Condition Source, but with this plugin you can automatically set it
- CX.UWCOND.CATEGORY - Overrides the Category from the Condition Template
- CX.UWCOND.EXISTINGDOC1 - The name of an existing document to be automatically linked to the Condition
- CX.UWCOND.EXISTINGDOC2 - The name of an existing document to be automatically linked to the Condition
- CX.UWCOND.NEWDOC1 - The name of a new document to be automatically linked to the Condition
- CX.UWCOND.NEWDOC2 - The name of a new document to be automatically linked to the Condition
- CX.UWCOND.NEWDOCMILESTONE - The Milestone to associate the newly created docs to
- CX.UWCOND.UNIQUETITLE - Prevents the plugin from adding a new condition if a condition with the same title has already been added
- CX.UWCOND.UNIQUEDESCR - Prevents the plugin from adding a new condition if a condition with the same description has already been added
- CX.UWCOND.UNIQUEDOCS - Prevents the plugin from creating new docs if the document names listed in the NEWDOC fields already exist, instead it will simply link them to the condition
- CX.UWCOND.CONVLOG - Will add a conversation log entry for the condition that's added
- CX.UWCOND.DELAYMILLISEC - Will delay the placement of the condition into the file
- CX.UWCOND.COMMIT - In each UW Condition Field Trigger business rule, this field is required and must be set to "Y" LAST. The plugin watches for this field to be set to "Y" and then looks through all the previously mentioned fields to know how to apply the condition to the loan
2. The plugin's custom input form "Admin - UW Conditions Trigger Plugin" has an easy to use Trigger Composition feature that shows all of the above fields, allows you to set the values you want, and then provides you with the Field Trigger code that you can simply copy and paste into a business rule

This composition tool allows for easy searching of available Condition Template Names (since the name must be exact for the tool to work), and Document Names

3. Once you become more familiar with the field names and how this tool works, you can start writing your business rules by hand, and include more logic to control when and how conditions are automatically applied to a loan.
This product installs the following:
Admin - UW Conditions Trigger Plugin