The FFIEC Lookup tool in Lender Toolkit's Toolshed adds a
custom input form to Encompass that allows users to do the FFIEC lookup with
the click of a button. The tool makes use of the FFIEC APIs to download all the
data you need into the loan. The automatic download of data ensures that
no typos are present, and speeds up the process of gathering FFIEC data for
each loan. Minutes saved per loan amounts to potentially hundreds of hours
saved per year allowing for more efficient loan processing and getting more
loans to close quickly.
Using the
FFIEC Lookup
1. Open a loan
2. Go to the "Admin - FFIEC" custom input form

3. Click the "Update from FFIEC" button to
download all available data from the FFIEC on that property

4. Clicking “Census Data” will show all available data in
tabs similar to the FFIEC website.
5. Please note that if you enter an address that is not
available through the FFIEC's Geocode Lookup tool, this button will not work.
This may occur with new constructions or homes that have been built within the
last year, or newly developed areas that do not have this information available
yet. Please confer with your internal management to determine how to best fill
in this information for these types of properties.
For more information on how FFIEC pulls in data, please
visit the FFIEC Website:
Data Population
For your convenience, the trigger field CX.FFIEC.TRIGGER can
be set to trigger the data pull from the FFIEC and update the related custom
fields. If the event fires and a valid address hasn’t been entered the user
will be notified via a popup.
1. Activation of the FFIEC Lookup tool is
located under the PowerTools Expert section of the Toolshed plugin.
2. If you do not see the FFIEC Lookup tool
listed as one of the available buttons under the Expert section, you’ll need to
get a license for the tool before using it. Please reach out to your local
admin or your Lender Toolkit representative to activate the tool.
This product installs the following to encompass:
Admin - FFIEC.emfrm
FFIECPlugin.dll v: