The FFIEC Lookup - API tool in Lender Toolkit's Toolshed adds a custom input
form to Encompass that allows users to lookup census data with the click of a button.
The tool makes use of APIs to download over 30 data points into the
Using the FFIEC Lookup
Open the "LTK -
FFIEC Lookup - API " custom input form.
Users can manually request or
update the census data by clicking the “Submit” button on the form. The Encompass® Administrator can also use the settings to automate the update
of census data custom fields with trigger rules.
SDK Version Display | API Version Display |
| |
Census Data Tab
Income Data Tab
Population Data Tab
Housing Data Tab
Manual Validation
Manual Validation
Manual Validation
the "LTK – FFIEC - API" custom input form. Click “Submit” to manually request or update the subject
property area data. The user must exit the loan and wait approximately 5 minutes to allow the API to get exclusive access to update the loan.
Automating Census Data Searches
Automating Census Data Searches
The PowerTool™ settings allows the administrator to specify the custom
field that will trigger an automated lookup. By default, the trigger field is set to [CX.FFIEC.TRIGGER.API]. The field
can be changed to different custom field to be used in business rules. Note, a new field would need to be created in
Encompass® settings prior to updating the PowerTool™.
In the example below, a new custom field was created
[CX.FFIEC.TRIGGER.API], formatted as a
String field, 1 character. The API will
launch a census data lookup when this field is set to “X” in a field trigger
eFolder Report
The PowerTool™ can be configured to automatically add a report of the
search data to the eFolder. In Settings, the Encompass® administrator can specify the eFolder document
destination. Each search will then automatically add a data receipt to the
specified destination. The administrator can prevent the eFolder reports by unchecking the “Auto add FFIEC receipt
to eFolder” checkbox.

Below is an example of the eFolder report.
Administrator Settings
PowerTool™ Activation
The FFIEC Lookup API is included in the Expert Tier of Lender Toolkit’s
PowerTools™. The Encompass®
administrator can activate the FFIEC Lookup tool in the Expert tab of the
Toolshed settings.
- Important
Note: Turning the API version on will install the input form.
However, lookups will not function until an API Client ID is
created and an API user is added to the Encompass instance.
- Request API Credentials: Click the link below to authorize Lender Toolkit to submit a request for API credentials to ICE.Request API Credentials for PowerTools and Automations
Default Census Year
The PowerTool™ allows the user to search census data from previous years’
data. The administrator can specify the
default year that is selected when the tool is opened.

Encompass® System Changes
This product installs the following to Encompass:
LTK - FFIEC Lookup - API
Plugins /
Custom Data Objects
Uses the LTK.Plugin.Portal.dll
Custom Fields