The FEMA Disaster Tool - API adds a custom form to Encompass that allows users to search
the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) site for disasters declared for
the state and county of the loan’s subject property. The tool makes use of the Encompass and FEMA APIs to
download a list of disaster declarations from the previous 6 months.
Using the FEMA Disaster API Tool
Users can manually search for disaster declarations from the tool's input form. Administrators can use the tool's automation features to run the address validations using standard trigger rules.
Manual Search
Open the "LTK - FEMA Disaster Tool - API" input form. Click "Update From FEMA" to manually search for disasters based on the Subject Property's geocoding.
Automated Search
The PowerTool™ settings allows the administrator to specify the custom field that will trigger an automated lookup. By default, the trigger field is set to [CX.FEMA.TRIGGER.API]. The field can be changed to different custom field to be used in business rules. Note, a new field would need to be created in Encompass® settings prior to updating the PowerTool™.
In the example below, a new custom field was created [CX.FEMA.TRIGGER.API], formatted as a
String field, 1 character. The API will launch a census data lookup when this field is set to “X” in a field trigger rule.
Viewing Disaster Details
The Tool can return up to 5 disasters for the property. For each disaster returned, a tab will is created below the search address. The tab heading will be the Disaster Code assigned by FEMA. Other data returned includes the Disaster Title and Type, Incident Start and End Dates, Disaster Declaration Date, and individual or household assistance availability.

- [CX.FEMA.DISASTER.DEC.OR.x] – checkbox indicating the declaration's approval by the lender.
This provides the lender the ability to require review, by a manager for example, before the loan can continue in the workflow. - [CX.FEMA.DISASTER.RES.DATE.x] - date field for when an internal review and approval was completed.
- [CX.FEMA.DISASTER.COMMENTS.x] – free form text box for comments by the user or manager.
eFolder Report
The PowerTool™ can be configured to automatically add a report of the search data to the eFolder. In Settings, the Encompass® administrator can specify the eFolder document destination. Each search will then automatically add a data receipt to the specified destination.
Below is an example of the eFolder report.
Administrator Settings
Disaster Search Tool activation and licensing is located under the Free section of the
PowerTools™ console.
the tool “On”. The installation package will be deployed. A
license key will be added following the installation. Select
the checkbox to display the web-style view of the PowerTool™.

- The Encompass Administrator can open the settings section of the form by clicking the gear icon. The settings section and icon are only visible to users with the Super Administrator persona.
- The administrator can specify the eFolder Document placeholder where a PDF of the results will be placed following each search. See eFolder section below for sample PDF output.
- The administrator can specify the custom field that will trigger an automated disaster search. By default, the trigger field is set to [CX.FEMA.TRIGGER.API]. The field can be changed to different custom field to be used in business rules. Note, a new field would need to be created in Encompass® settings prior to updating the PowerTool™.
Searches are automated through Field Trigger Business Rules. The rule would use Advanced Code to set the Tool's Automation Field to "X".
Encompass System Changes
This product installs the following to Encompass.