The Conditions Counter tool in Lender Toolkit's Toolshed allows for easy to access insights into how many Underwriting conditions are on each loan file at any given time. The counts are able to be separated by Role and Status and saved to any custom field the admin configures, and comes with 6 built in count fields for common needs. The custom fields that the count values are stored to are able to be added to the reporting database and then reported on or can be added to Pipeline views for easy access.
1. Installation of the Conditions Counter tool is done through the Toolshed Plugin under the Free tier, ensure that the Conditions Counter tool is licensed through Toolshed before continuing.
2. Once the tool is activated through Toolshed’s settings, the tool will automatically run and requires no configuration to begin, however you can configure the tool as needed after installation.
3. Installation will automatically create the “Admin – Condition Counter Plugin” custom input form, and you can begin using it immediately, but it is suggested that you restart encompass before configuring or using the tool.
Built-In Condition Counts
The Conditions Counter plugin automatically installs 6 custom fields to count Underwriting conditions based on status:
- All UW Conditions (CX.COND.CNT.UW.ALL)
- All UW Fulfilled Conditions
- All UW Rejected Conditions
- All UW Cleared Conditions
- All UW Waived Conditions
- All UW Pending Conditions (CX.COND.CNT.UW.PENDING)
By default, there are no rules that are set to start
counting. You will need to select and update as necessary.
If there are more precise UW Condition Counts you'd like to
configure, follow the steps below:
1. Create the custom field that you'd
like the plugin to place the count value. We suggest matching the pattern that
is used for the existing 6 fields so that the custom fields are grouped
together in Encompass's settings. ( format is CX.COND.CNT.UW.[
Insert your custom detail here ] )
2. Open a
loan and go to the "Admin - Conditions Counter Plugin" custom input
form, and then click the "Manage Settings" Button in the upper right
3. Click the green (+) plus icon in the upper right corner
*Suggestions for rules4. Type the new custom field ID that you just created into the box at the top, or use the magnifying glass icon to search for the field you created
5. Select the Roles you'd like to count for, and then use the panel on the right to select the statuses you'd like to report on
6. Click "Add" to add this field to the list, and then "Save" to commit your changes to the Settings
7. To check that this new field is working as expected, you can:
- Modify the custom input form to add the field you just created
- Add the field to a pipeline view or report
PLEASE NOTE: this plugin will only count the Underwriting Conditions for loans that have been opened after the plugin was installed. There are various ways to make previously closed loans populate this information, but it may be best to allow the tool to begin working on current and future files
This product installs the following to encompass:
Admin - Condition Counter Plugin.emfrm
ConditionCounterForm.dll v:
ConditionCounterPlugin.dll.dll v:
Custom Fields
CX.COND.CNT.UW.FULFILLED Condition Counter Plugin - Conditions for UW Role - Fulfilled
CX.COND.CNT.UW.ALL Condition Counter Plugin - Conditions for UW Role - All
CX.COND.CNT.UW.PENDING Condition Counter Plugin - Conditions for UW Role - Pending
CX.COND.CNT.UW.CLEARED Condition Counter Plugin - Conditions for UW Role - Cleared
CX.COND.CNT.UW.REJECTED Condition Counter Plugin - Conditions for UW Role - Rejected
CX.COND.CNT.UW.WAIVED Condition Counter Plugin - Conditions for UW Role - Waived