The Auto Close tool provides Encompass
administrators with settings to manage automatically closing loan files after a
period of inactivity. This feature
prevents loan files from being inadvertently left open, and locked, if a user
is no longer actively working on the file.
Cancelable Countdown
accordance with the inactivity timing requirements set up by the administrator
(further explained below), the loan will attempt to automatically close. The user will be provided with a popup
dialogue box that will allow them to cancel the loan closure. If the user does not select cancel, the loan
will close after an amount of time defined by the administrator.

To modify the settings of when loans are exited, open a loan in Encompass and go to the Admin - Auto Close custom input form and click the "Manage Settings" button:

Administrators can control global settings for all users. These include how long a loan is open before
the plugin begins to monitor for inactivity. There is a setting for how many
minutes of inactivity before the loan should close. To allow users time to cancel the automatic
close, the admin can set how many seconds the popup cancel box will be visible
for. The admin can set whether the loan
will save when automatically closing, whether Encompass will close altogether.
The "Force Exit Encompass at (HH:mm)" setting will force close Encompass at a specific time each day. Note that the Tool uses the local time of the computer to determine when Encompass will log off and close.

and Persona Settings
The administrators is able to specify different
settings for individual users or personas. These settings will override the general settings for defined users.

This product installs the following to encompass:
Admin - Auto Close Loans.emfrm
AutoCloseLoans1CodeBase.dll v:
AutoCloseLoans1Plugin.dll.dll v:
Custom Fields
CX.CURRENTUSER.ID Current Logged In User ID 32