Encompass Administrators have the very important job of being able to enhance the Encompass system to work effectively, efficiently, and compliantly for their companies. While there are tools provided within Encompass to help them create settings, do research, and report on loan data, sometimes that simply isn't enough and they find themselves wanting a handful of extra tools allowing them to work more efficiently and to gain better insights into their environments configurations.
The Admin Utilities tool in Lender Toolkit's Toolshed is automatically installed with the Toolshed management software and is available for Free!
It includes:
- Features to view and update loan data by field ID without having to find the fields on their respective forms or manually adding them to custom input forms
- Current User Information Custom Fields for use in business rules and other advanced coding logic
- Exports of Encompass settings to Excel for easy review and updates
- Tools to automatically remove duplicate documents and tasks
The Admin Utilities tool is a great launch pad for Encompass Administrators to be more efficient, and gain better insight into their Encompass environments. With this basic set of free tools, Admins can create enhancements faster, and continually improve their Encompass system more proactively.
Field Values
The Field Values tab allows Admins to simply type field IDs in and instantly see their current values in an open loan, set values without navigating to the form the field is found on, or view the enumeration values for field IDs that are dropdown boxes or checkbox selections that only allow one value (such as Loan Type)
Field IDs can be entered into the "INPUT" text box using the bracket notation (i.e. [FieldID]). Once entered, click the "Field Values" button to show the fields' values in the "OUTPUT" text box for quick review.

Alternatively, if you'd like to see the available field options for enumeration fields, you can enter the Field IDs and click the "Enumerations" button to show the available values.

Manually Set Field Value
- To set a field's value, simply enter a Field ID (don't use bracket notation) and Value, and click the "Set Value" button.
- When you first enter the Field ID, the Value field will update to show that field's current value. This can be a great way to check that the Field ID you entered is valid. If it is invalid, you'll receive an error message when you click "Set Value".

Current User Information
The Admin Utilities tool will automatically create a set of custom fields in Encompass for storing the Current User's information each time a new user opens the loan. This information can be used to control advanced conditions and business rule logic or can also be reported on to show who is currently in a loan, or who was the last person in a loan.

If you have a loan open, you can view your own information and see the formatting so that you can effectively write business rules to use this data. Hover over the field in the Admin Utilities window to see the custom field ID associated with that information.

Other Admin Utilities
Under the "Other" tab, you'll see buttons to:
- Export All Fields
- Export Document Labels
- Export UW Condition
- Export Loan Programs
- Export Closing Cost Templates
- Export Fee Management (Mavent)
- Export User List
- Export Investor Templates
- Remove eFolder Duplicates
- Remove Duplicate Tasks
- Deactivate Old Mavent Reports

Recalculate Loan
The Admin Utilities also comes with a button that will recalculate the loan that is currently open in Encompass.

Please note that Recalculating Loans should be used sparingly and only when you know it is the only way to correct an issue. It will force all the loan's calculated fields to re-evaluate themselves and could result in unwanted data changes. There are situations where this is necessary, but it can be a good idea to use the Field Monitor plugin in tandem with this button so that all the calculated values that are recalculated and changed in the loan are able to be viewed for quality assurance.
Note: The current user plugin is part of Admin Utilities so any dependencies related to that tool will also appear in this list. This is the plugin that saves the current user info to custom fields on loan open. Secondly, Admin Utilities is embedded in PowerTools Core so turning it on/off has no effect on overhead in Encompass. All the enable feature does is make it available to the end user.
- Admin - Current User - This form gets installed when you install PowerTools.
- LTK-ToolShed.dll - This file is not installed or created when installing or using Admin Utilities, but this file is required the product to function correctly. This file gets installed when you install Power Tools.
- LTK-ToolShedSettings.xml - this file is not installed or created when installing or using Admin Utilties, but this file is required the product to function correctly. This file gets installed when you install Power Tools.
NOTE: The fields in this list are NOT installed when enabling Admin Utilities. Instead, they get installed when you install PowerTools because this plugin is embedded in the core PowerTools product.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.ID - Encompass User ID of the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.NAME - Full name of the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.FIRSTNAME - First name of the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.LASTNAME -Last name of for the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.EMAIL - Email address of the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.PHONE - Phone number of the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.CELLPHONE - Cell phone number of the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.CHUMSID - CHUMS ID for the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.PERSONA - A comma-separated list in string format of Encompass personas for the user that is currently logged.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.FAX - Fax number for the user that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.NMLSEXPIRE - NMLS License expiration date for the Encompass user account that is currently logged into Encompass.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.NMLSID - NMLS License Number for the user account that is currently logged in.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.USERGROUPS - Encompass user groups for the Encompass user account that is currently logged in. Field contains all groups in a comma-separated list, string value.
- CX.CURRENTUSER.EMPID - Employee ID for the current logged in user.